Liberty : One or more bases holds up the flyer by the foot and the flyer balances weight on one straight leg. The flyer's other leg is bent with the foot positioned at about the knee level of the flyer, nestling it alongside the standing leg's knee. The name of this stunt is often shortened to 'Lib'.
Scorpion : This is a liberty variation facing the side. One or more bases holds up the flyer by the foot and the flyer balances weight on that one straight leg. The flyer then grabs the loose foot and bends that leg upward behind the body until the toes are close to the back of the head, in a position resembling a scorpion's tail. The foot is secured in place by the opposite hand. A more advanced variation of the scorpion is the "Chin-hold," where the flyer tucks her foot underneath her own chin.
Scale : This is a liberty variation facing the side. One or more bases extend one of the flyer's feet. The flyer's other leg is held by the flyer's hand to the side and the leg is fully extended. The position is similar to the Scorpion, but one of the flyer's hands holds her ankle or calf (instead of her toes) and the other arm is in the High V position.
Crazy Eight : Similar to a scale, but the ankle is supported by the flyer's wrist while her hands clasp to form a circle above her head. The resulting pose is resembles an Eight, due to the two circles, one formed by her arms, and the other by her leg and side.
Torch : The base group faces forward holding the foot as a side base would. While the flyer is holding a one-legged extended stunt while facing 90 degrees sideways from the base.
Heel Stretch : Variation of a liberty. It is a stunt in which the base/bases holds one foot of the flyer while she holds the other foot in an elevated stretch position with her same hand.
Bow and Arrow: Variation of a heel stretch. The flyer grabs her foot with the opposite hand. Then she pulls her arm through and puts it in front of her leg, holding it straight.
Needle : Variation of liberty facing the side. The main difference in a regular scale and a needle is the flyer's position in the air. Where in a normal scale the chest is either parallel or higher than the hip on the supporting leg, a needle scale the chest is down beside the main support leg. Also, the leg that was supported by hands in a regular scale is now "free" and is pointing to near as north or "12 o'clock" as flexibility allows the flyer to obtain. The flyer also maintains balance by holding onto the bases hands and her own ankle. Sometimes called a spike.
Arabesque : Variation of liberty facing the side. From a lib, the flyer points their leg out behind them and their arms are in a "T" position.
Hitch : A hitch is a variation of the prep or extension. One of the side bases turn to face forward and lifts the flyer's foot in an extension; or high enough so that the flyer's knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. So this doesn't leave all of the weight on the other base, the back swiftly moves her hand so that both of her hands are supporting the non-bent leg.